Last Friday Ian attended the Zumtobel 2018 Photographic Competition winners lunch in London having had his photograph (below) selected as one of the top 20 from a submission number in excess of 6000 images from over 800 architects.

Ian’s photograph depicts his son’s hands on their lounge floor, the coloured light is the result of refraction through the edge of a perspex coffee table.

Ian James is an architect and co-founding director at Fleming James Architects.
A little bit about the competition from Zumtobel :
The Zumtobel Photographic Competition first launched in 1996 in the UK with a simple brief for the entrant – use a disposable camera to take a great photograph of anything that is particularly interesting, preferably of the built environment. Focusing on the use of light in the image, it can capture internal or external architectural details, shots of people, or purely abstract scenes.
Since its inception over ten thousand architects have entered the Zumtobel Photographic Competition, providing great images that helped to make it a ‘must do’ in the architectural calendar.
However, change had to ‘app’en. With 2016 having brought in the competitions 20th year and a budding generation of architects, the time came to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.
Still encapsulating the simple, witty and arty approach, the new app based competition – ZumtobelPhoto – continues to give architects the chance to enjoy all the same qualities of the disposable camera competition in a compact digital form. This exciting app keeps the same level playing field and creativity that architects desire while engaging a fun, fresh take on what remains a simple and classic competition. No special filters or effects, just a camera and a creative eye.
ZUMTOBEL About Us. Available at http://www.zumtobelphoto.com/about-us.
Click to view the other entrants submissions.